Education Awards
Augustine Henry Memorial Medal
This award is given to students of University College Dublin (UCD) and Waterford Institute of Technology (WIT) that gain the highest marks in the final year forestry examination. Recent winner was:
2019 – Ronan O’Keefe who was a final year student in WIT.

Ronan O’Keefe receiving the Augustine Henry Medal from the Society’s incoming President Ken Bucke
Study Tour Bursary
Awarded to the best 3rd year forestry students in UCD and WIT. The bursary allows the students to attend the Society’s Annual Study Tour free of charge. Recent winners are:
- 2015 – Bordeaux: Chris Mc Gurren (WIT)
- 2016 – Austria: Daniel Burns (WIT)
- 2017 – Poland: Eoin Glavey (WIT)
- 2018 – Lithuania: Conor Dowling (WIT)